Posted at 14:36h
by Adina
I. Prevention stage:
Creating a hostile biological environment for virus survival and spreading at the point of infection in the nasopharynx:
The efficacy of this approach is believed to be dependent upon initiating treatment at a very early stage of the infection process, ideally as close as possible to the time when virus replication begins. (1) Gargle and nasal irrigations with warm salty water (1/2 tsp salt in 1/2 glass of water) each time you come back home or morning and evening if you stay in, as virus initially lodges in the nasal passageways, where the air is cooler.
You can also gargle with Hydrogen peroxide 1% (food grade), since viruses is vulnerable to oxidation (2), (3). Drinking warm teas constantly helps the virus descend to your stomach where the acid destroys it. Green and black tea contain flavonoids that directly inhibit coronavirus protease activity, resulting in decreased virus propagation (4). Saunas can likely reach temperatures capable of killing Coronavirus (56 degrees Celsius (132 degrees F for 25 minutes), but are not a cure for Covid-19 if one is already infected and the disease progressed to cellular level.

Support cellular and body health with diet and supplements. Adopt low-carbohydrate diets (hyperglycemia targets immune suppression), coenzyme Q-10, lipoic acid, and acetyl-L-carnitine to support mithochondria (energy production units of your cells). Mild exercise and proper rest also supports mitochondria, as well as adopting strategies to decrease total overall bacterial load through colon and liver cleanses (less work for your system).